fbpx Biennale Architettura 2021 | raumlaborberlin
La Biennale di Venezia

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Instances of Urban Practice

  • TUE - SUN
    22/05 > 31/07
    11 am - 7 pm

    01/08 > 21/11
    10 am - 6 pm
  • Arsenale
  • Admission with ticket

Andrea Hofmann (German, b.1969), Axel Timm (German, b.1973), Benjamin FoersterBaldenius (German, b.1968), Christof Mayer (German, b.1967), Florian Stirnemann (Swiss, b.1976), Francesco Apuzzo (Italian, b.1972), Frauke Gerstenberg (German, b.1968), Jan Liesegang (German, b.1968) and Markus Bader (German, b.1968) of raumlaborberlin (Germany, est.1999) in collaboration with Floating University - floating e.V., Haus der Statistik, ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin e.G.



Floating University is a carefully designed place, where human-made architectures intertwine with the habitat of a multitude of other organisms. In a water basin consisting of polluted, urban, surface water, it presents a paradoxical paradise for parallel and common actions—place of ongoing surprises and encounters. The openness of the structures motivates the permeation of ideas and relationships among the different university groups, initiatives, neighbors and other Berlin inhabitants. Haus der Statistik is a German Democratic Republic office complex from the 1960s, now being transformed into a space for art, culture, social, and educational programming, run by a coalition of the civic society. It was the site for “making futures school,” the prototype for a school for spatial practice that acts as an engaged form inside an evolving situation. Looking deeper into collaborative modes of knowledge production and exchange, the architects focused on questions about architecture as a resource and architecture as a collective form. The school itself is conceived as a collaborative testbed with more than 150 participants and 500 visitors. Both projects offer complex forms for supporting emerging communities to cocreate future cities.


Installation with the additional support of Kulturprojekte Berlin, supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen - ifa
Project partners: Floating University - floating e.V., Haus der Statistik, ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin e.G.

Production credits

Installation with the additional support of Kulturprojekte Berlin, supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen - ifa
Project partners: Floating University - floating e.V., Haus der Statistik, ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin e.G.
The production by members of the collective. Markus Bader and Florian Stirnemann, together with Claire Mothais Anna Foerster-Baldenius, Enrica Daniele coordinated the presence. Luka Murovec, Franz Siebler, Louise Nguyen, Olof Duus, Victor Navarro, Ágnes László, Alice Baseian, Theo Göken.
Graphic work by Roman Karrer

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Biennale Architettura
Biennale Architettura