On the occasion of the 19th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia addresses universities, academies of fine arts and higher education institutions with a special project.
La Biennale di Venezia considers the Exhibition a place where Universities, Academies of Fine Arts, Higher Education Institutions, as well as Research Institutes, can plan a visit especially designed for their Educational activities; La Biennale di Venezia aims at providing these institutions with favourable conditions to organise such visits.
Biennale Sessions is addressed to institutions that intend to visit the 19th International Architecture Exhibition with a minimum of 50 persons (faculty and students included). Slightly smaller groups might be accepted in particular circumstances, subject to approval.
La Biennale offers to affiliated institutions:
Affiliation to the project is free of charge and it is regulated by a memorandum of understanding.
Benefits are extended to all groups from affiliated institutions that reach the required quota of participants.
Information and affiliation
Tel. +39 041 5218 735
Institutions involved via joint initiative with DASTU / AUIC School - Politecnico di Milano:
Fakultät für Architektur - Universität Innsbruck / FAUP-Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto / Universidade Lusófona Porto / Universidade de Coimbra / IST-Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa / Northumbria University, Newcastle / TU Delft / University of Nicosia
University participating via joint initiative with Bergische Universität Wuppertal:
Technion – Haifa Israel Institute of Technology