If the general theme FREESPACE is “space of opportunity, a democratic space, unplanned and free for uses not yet defined” capable to connect “the archaic and the contemporary”, the Guatemala pavilion investigates this space with models that evoke the symbol of utopia and lexical incompleteness. Central to the exhibition is the exact photographic reproduction of the Temple of Masks in Tikal. The Guatemalan designs on display, through structures characterised by a concentric upward movement in an alternation of empty and full areas, anticipate on the earth those signs-symbols of transcendence and spiritual elevation. From the cosmogony of planispheres, delimited by light circuits capable of connecting all terrestrial space, we arrive at spiral structures, decorated with archaic motifs, but also curious monuments, similar to Spomenik without time and without registry, are elaborated, futuristic totems, silent indecipherable witnesses of history.