fbpx Biennale Cinema 2024 | 40 dias sem o sol (40 days without the sun)
La Biennale di Venezia

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40 dias sem o sol (40 days without the sun)

Venice Immersive
João Carlos Furia
Furia Studio (Joao Carlos Furia)
Running Time:
Main Cast:
Clara Dum, Julia Gil
Clara Dum
Artists:Joao Carlos Furia, Pri Wi, Victor Farat
Note:Virtual reality


Through the eyes of a child, we will follow the emotional journey of a family when the mother suffers a miscarriage. It is going to be forty days of darkness inside their house until they embrace both life and death so the family can move on. We will travel along the children’s memories and art to dive into this story.

Main Creator’s Statement 

I want to share my story to honor my son and my wife. I want the pain of families who had miscarriages to be seen. I want to send a message of acceptance and hope to these families so that other people understand with deep empathy what they have been through. I am telling this story with the utmost respect I can have for the women’s journey. My message is that we can move on through the pain: the loss will always be part of our lives, but we can give a new meaning to it.

Video presentation


PRODUCTION: Furia Studio - João Carlos Furia
Rua dos Bandeirantes 146 ap 102
13024010, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Tel. 55 19987713955

PRESS OFFICE: João Carlos Furia
Furia Studio
Rua dos Bandeirantes 146 ap 102
13024010, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Tel. 55 19987713955

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Biennale Cinema