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Project_Y: Working Title

Venice Immersive
Yuzo Sugano, Shingo Yoshimura, Toshiki Sakamoto, Taro Hirai
Project_Y Production Committee
Running Time:
Japanese, English
Main Cast:
Hibi Sakaki, Keisuke Hoshino, Akihito Mizui, Michiko Ishida, Motomasa Okui, Shiori Tatsuya
Shingo Yoshimura
Screenwriter:Yuzo Sugano
Designer:Yuzo Sugano
Art director:Shingo Yoshimura
Lead developers:Toshiki Sakamoto, Nozomu Sato
Technical team :Shusuke Muraishi
Note:Virtual reality


This is a horror game using 360° live-action VR footage. The 360° footage is shot in the form of interviews with “stories that haunt you if you listen to them”, allowing you to look around as if you were there. However, once you start playing the game, the “curse” falls not only on the main character, but also on the users themselves; in other words, you. The aim of the game is therefore to unravel this curse through the gameplay. In the interview clips with the various people involved, traces of an ominous presence are shown in places, and finding all of them is the key to solving the curse. Then, the user is able to relive the narrative while getting closer to the heart of the story.

Main Creators’ Statement 

Numerous psychic phenomena actually experienced by a person named Y. Scary stories that cannot be understood by common sense, and the sinister presence that lurks in them. This game was produced and developed using various real-time movie processing technologies based on live- action footage shot with an action cam capable of 360° shooting so that those episodes were released to the world as interactive content. The project team included 5 creators in the games and video industry, and was completed over a period of 3 years as an independent title without any external funding or support. We hope you will enjoy the game, but remember to look over your shoulder. Please play at your own risk.

Video presentation


PRODUCTION: Project_Y Production Committee – Keitaro Saito 758-1, Shinmaruko-machi, Nakahara-ku 211-0005, Kawasaki-shi, Japan common.yproject@gmail.com https://x.com/Y_Pro_Common

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