Founded as recently as 2011, but one of the first ensembles in Argentina to be dedicated to contemporary music, the young Quartetto Untref presents a Euro-South American programme with music by Julio Estrada and Stefano Scodanibbio, and two world premieres by Gabriele Manca and Edgar Alandia.
In Tenemos miedo, en el fondo, Manca pays tribute to America as a seductive symbol of fear that has created the great myths of awe, of boundless immensity and implacable beauty.
While Demandez à la lune qui parle à nos âmes by Alandia intends to express the curiosity of exploring an extremely essential sound material in a journey through space rather than time, Mas Lugares (from Monteverdi’s Madrigali) by Scodanibbio refracts Monteverdi’s music by reinventing a very vivid and creative timbric imagination.
In the language of the Purépecha in Mexico, Ishini’ioni means “perpetual time” and the piece by Estrada is a continuum in which rhythm and sound are conceived as similar physical elements.
Each of the four panels in Mosaïques by Fiszbein is animated by a single generative idea: a double play of harmony, a distorting mirror, resistance to an infinite glissando, a kaleidoscope of pulsations.