The Biennale Danza 2021 opens to the city: public workshops with dancers and choreographers
A series of workshops open to participants aged 16 and over, to be held in the Sale d’Armi (Arsenale) from July 24 to August 1.
The workshops of the
Biennale Danza 2021
The dancers and the choreographers of the 15th International Festival of Contemporary Dance (23 July > 1 August) will hold a series of workshops open to participants aged 16 and over. The workshops, either addressed to students or designed for a diverse audience of dance enthusiasts, will take place on a daily basis throughout the Festival in Sale d’Armi. A way of letting the public experience the work of exceptional artists, rediscover the relationship with their bodies and enable those who have dance experience to approach different styles and creative processes.
The programme
The Company of the Festival Director Wayne McGregor will inaugurate the programme on July 24th with a public workshop. It will then be the turn of the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in Dance 2021 Germaine Acogny. The “mother of Contemporary African Dance”, along with musician Mamadou Traore, will hold a workshop for dance students based on her “technique Acogny” (July 25th). On July 26th leading choreographer of the new millennium Pam Tanowitz, with Victor Lozano, will guide participants through a Cunningham-based warm up, followed by a series of exercises and combinations meant to explore Tanowitz’s creative process. Basque dancer Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich (Metamorphosis Dance) will hold a masterclass on the “Metamorphosis method”, providing students with physical training, ballet barre, guided improvisation, and teaching excerpts from their choreographic repertoire (July 27th). French-Algerian choreographer Hervé Koubi’s workshop will invite students to explore the meaning of movement in dance through some choreographic phrases of his latest work, Odyssey (July 29th). Like Company Wayne McGregor, the Ballet National de Marseille will also open on July 31st their masterclass to the public: a dancer from the company will ask participants to consider dance as a vector of collective mobilisation and rediscover their corporeality in relation to the liberating energy that inspires Room with a View, the work presented at the Festival (July 31st).
The programme will close on August 1st with the Silver Lion Oona Doherty. The Northern-Irish dancer and choreographer will lead dance students in an exploration of the techniques she uses with her dancers, including pranayama, meditation, improvisation, and basic clown techniques.
Spaces are limited (up to a max of 20 participants); access to the workshops will be granted by reservation only.