Director: | Antonio Lukich |
Production: | ForeFilms (Anna Yatsenko, Vladimir Yatsenko)
Running Time: | 106’ |
Language: | Ukrainian, German |
Country: | Ukraine |
Main Cast: | Amil Nasirov, Ramil Nasirov, Lyudmyla Sachenko |
Screenplay: | Antonio Lukich |
Cinematographer: | Misha Lubarsky |
Editor: | Oleksandr Chornyi, Ivan Bannikov, Olexander Legostaev |
Production Designer: | Vlad Odudenko |
Costume Designer: | Asia Sutiahina |
Sound: | Sergiy Stepansky, Oleksandr Verkhovynets |
Visual Effects: | Pavlo Avilov |
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

There are many beautiful places to die. Luxembourg is not one of them. But beautiful or not, Luxembourg makes dying very expensive. When twin brothers hear that their long-absent father is sick in Luxembourg, they set out on a journey to see him one last time. Will the man they find be the bad-ass father they remember ?
Director’s Statement
My father died in 2016 in a wealthy European city. I didn’t know him well, and only saw him a few times in my life. Some say that he was friends with Antonio Banderas, knew Maradona personally, and dressed in Prada. Of course, we want to know only good things about our parents. How painful it is for each of us to admit their failures and instead of Prada to find worn battered sportswear in their closets. Ljuksemburg, Ljuksemburg is my declaration of love to my father, who was running away all the time. Whom I’ve been trying to catch up with for so long, hoping to answer my own question—why are we so drawn to those who constantly run away from us?
PRODUCTION: Anna Yatsenko, Vladimir Yatsenko – ForeFilms
Yaroslaviv Val 4, ap. 7
01034 – Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel. +380 673837508
WORLD SALES: Hengameh Panahi – Celluloid Dreams
2 rue Turgot
75009 – Paris, France
Tel. +33 611965720
PRESS OFFICE: Barbara Van Lombeek, Marie-France Dupagne - THE PR FACTORY
Mob. +32 486546480
Mob. +32 477626770