La Biennale di Venezia, Cinecittà, Mastercard welcome the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
The Academy will participate for the first time at the Venice International Film Festival.
La Biennale di Venezia, Cinecittà and Mastercard are honored to welcome for the first time the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to the Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia (Venice International Film Festival) on the occasion of its 90th anniversary.
All three institutions share similar visions and values. They educate, support, promote and honor the cinematic artists of today and preserve the legacy and history of moviemaking’s past.
Newly named Academy CEO Bill Kramer will attend the Festival with other Academy senior leadership to welcome members from around the world and celebrate international cinema together. Kramer will meet with international members and press, participate on a panel organized by Cinecittà at Venice Lido, host an exclusive event in partnership with Mastercard, meet industry professionals coordinated by the Venice International Film Festival and take part of the opening night gala of the Festival.
Academy CEO
Bill Kramer
“The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is an international organization that is deeply committed to celebrating global cinema. We are thrilled to be joining our film family in Italy to broaden and strengthen our goal to engage our members around the world. Special thanks to our partners Cinecittà, Mastercard, and the Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia for their incredible support of our efforts and this trip.”
Roberto Cicutto, President of Biennale di Venezia
Alberto Barbera, Artistic Director of the Venice International Film Festival
“It is an important sign for the Italian movie industry and the entire international film community that the AMPAS has chosen Venice to introduce its new CEO to the world. It confirms the intention of the AMPAS to open up, more and more, to international partners, but it is also the significant recognition of the central role played by the Venice International Film Festival in the promotion and enhancement of the best films in general, and of American ones in particular. We welcome the AMPAS for the first time and we hope this will be just the beginning of a long-lasting friendship.”
Nicola Maccanico
“Our relationship with the Academy dates back almost 30 years. In the past we have presented some of the most relevant Italian authors, and this tradition is continuing at the new Academy Museum, of which we are proud founding supporters. We are looking forward to next collaborations and are honored to be chosen as partner to support the Academy activities in Italy, like their debut in Italy in 2019, a few months before the pandemic. Cinecittà is undergoing deep changes; our Studios are in the process of being completely renewed and are already full of international artists we hope to see selected at Festivals in the world. There is great enthusiasm for the future, and we hope our movies will continue to detain the record of the Oscars received by an international country.”
Michele Centemero
Country Manager Italy Mastercard
“We are delighted to partner with Cinecittà, Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia and AMPAS for this unique initiative, showing our support to these important institutions devoted to preserve and project into the future the art of cinema. Through the connection and partnerships with the most important international film festivals, and as main sponsor of Venice International Film Festival, Mastercard commits to create events, experiences and moments that allow public and future talents of this art to be even closer to the world of cinema and to those who are part of it, therefore creating a movement where art, business, society and individuals can come together and explore a more inclusive and innovative future.”