fbpx Biennale Musica 2024 | Luca Mosca - L’estro armonico by Antonio Vivaldi
La Biennale di Venezia

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Luca Mosca - L’estro armonico by Antonio Vivaldi

An imaginative and passionate populariser, the composer Luca Mosca explains, recreates and comments on one of the most iconic instrumental collections in the history of music, Antonio Vivaldi’s L’Estro Armonico. “The Venetian composer is one of the giants of the first half of the eighteenth century”, claims Mosca. “In his music he demonstrates an inventive imagination, an originality and a brilliance of unique and extraordinary instrumental and vocal writing, which place him at the level of the greatest of his era. The esteem for Vivaldi shown by Johann Sebastian Bach (seven years younger than the ‘prete rosso’) is symptomatic: he brilliantly transcribed seven of his concertos for the harpsichord”.

Teatro La Fenice

Campo San Fantin, 1965
30124 Venezia

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