Round table with Natacha Belova, Daria Deflorian, Samira Elagoz, Tita Iacobelli, Caden Manson, Carlus Padrissa, Milo Rau, Antonio Tagliarini.
Moderator: Andrea Porcheddu
A meeting with prominent industry figures will explore different ways of tackling a shared need. The theme of identity expands through the Shakespearian question, unravelling notions of interpretation. Faced with a renewed, self-identifying analysis, questions relating to the meaning of presence/absence in the stage body and the audience will reverberate, with the latter playing an active central role in the expression of doubt. What is this ghost that haunts us, that forces us to choose Theatre; that enables us to enter into dialogue by way of subjective ritual? What materializes and what disappears, in terms of essence, on the boards of our daily stage? Presence, its evocation by way of other media, transfiguration, the essential equation of the active audience: what possible ’Elsewhere’ might these outline during our collective mediumistic session? To be or not to be is, ultimately, a rebellion. As this 2022 edition is characterized by Red – ROT – the roaring colour, it strikes us as the ideal occasion to unpick and interweave the principles that drive the uninterrupted conversations between Melpomene, Euterpe, Polyhymnia, Calliope, Thalia or Terpsichore – and indeed the last chance we have to continue to exist as the only intelligent form of life in our galaxy.