Round table with Natacha Belova, Daria Deflorian, Samira Elagoz, Tita Iacobelli, Caden Manson, Carlus Padrissa, Milo Rau, Antonio Tagliarini. Moderator: Andrea Porcheddu
Ca’ Giustinian
Admission with ticket
Aine E. Nakamura, winner of the call for a site-specific performance, presents Under an Unnamed Flower.
Campo Santo Stefano
Free entrance
Antoine Neufmars, winner of the call for a site-specific performance, presents Odorama.
Campo Sant’Agnese
The duo Natacha Belova and Tita Icobelli present their very special puppet art, which in Loco makes the artificial body interact with the organic body.
Tese dei Soppalchi
Reading with Galatea Ranzi of texts by Alda Merini. Soundscape + DJ set by Demetrio Castellucci.
Art, Architecture, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theatre, Historical Archives of Contemporary Arts, College, etc etc...