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La Biennale di Venezia

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The documentation of Biennale Musica 2021-2024

Round table on the documentation project of the four festivals of the Biennale Musica 2021-2024.

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Biennale Library

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Listening / Hearing

Installation space for individual listening that presents works of digital and acousmatic electronic music, both composed in the studio and generated in concert with innovative technologies.

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Sala d’Armi E

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Georg Vogel

A world premiere performance by Georg Vogel playing the Claviton, an electric clavichord built by him with a 31-tone split sharps keyboard over five octaves.

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Tese dei Soppalchi

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Lisa Streich / Zeno Baldi

Music for piano and percussion with the American ensemble Yarn/Wire playing two works by Lisa Streich (world premiere) and Zeno Baldi.

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Teatro Piccolo Arsenale

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Biennale Musica
Biennale Musica