Awards attributed by an International Jury of critics at the conclusion of the Festival. Special Mention to La tragedia è finita, Platonov by Liv Ferracchiati.
The 48th International Theatre Festival ran from 14-25 September 2020, directed by Antonio Latella and featuring a rich programme of shows and encounters. The activities of the Biennale College - Teatro were addressed this year again at young Italian directors up to 30 years of age: the participants presented the first part of their projects during the Festival.
The Theatre department is directed by Antonio Latella (Castellammare di Stabia, 1967), an actor, director and playwright renowned throughout Europe. His work as a director, which he began in 1998, brought his productions to the most important theatres and international festivals, from Avignon to Vienna and Salzburg. He has won four Ubu Prizes to date.
“Do not hide me, because…”: the artists of the 48th International Theatre Festival talk about themselves.
All the world premiere performances of the 48th International Theatre Festival, Nascondi(no).
Glory Wall
by Leonardo Manzan
The Dead City
by Leonardo Lidi
Garbage, the City and Death
by Giovanni Ortoleva
by Fabiana Iacozzilli
by Babilonia Teatri
The Leopards (The last party before the end of the world)
by Nina's Drag Queens
The tragedy is over, Platonov
by Liv Ferracchiati
by UnterWasser
Elia Kazan. American Confession
by Pablo Solari
KLUB TAIGA (Dear Darkness)
by Industria Indipendente
by Antonio Ianniello
INSIDE (a true story, if you like)
by Giuliana Musso
George II
by Alessandro Businaro
EVE #2
by Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi
Philosophy in the Boudoir
by Fabio Condemi
by Teatro dei Gordi