fbpx Biennale Teatro 2020 | Nina’s Drag Queens - Le Gattoparde (L’ultima festa prima della fine del mondo)
La Biennale di Venezia

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Nina’s Drag Queens - Le Gattoparde (L’ultima festa prima della fine del mondo)

World premiere:2020, 120’
A show by:Nina’s Drag Queens
By and with: Alessio Calciolari, Gianluca Di Lauro, Sax Nicosia, Lorenzo Piccolo, Ulisse Romanò
Collective drama led by: Lorenzo Piccolo
Directing: Ulisse Romanò
Costumes:Daniela Cernigliaro
Scenery:Maria Spazzi
Original music and sound:Gianluca Misiti
Lighting:Luna Mariotti
Director’s assistant:Livia Bonetti
Costumes assistant: Rosa Mariotti
Co-production:Aparte Soc. Coop., Teatro Carcano, Teatro Metastasio di Prato, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Note:Strobe lights are used during this performance


This is not a version of Tomasi di Lampedusa’s novel, The Leopard but an invention, a scenic reasoning, a folly in theatre form: building a show which, looking to the past (national, cultural and personal) and looking at the present (continually pushed back into the past), takes us elsewhere. If not in the future then at least in the potential to imagine it. With the risk of going too far, we want to create a language which brings together the sacred and the profane, literary and ordinary lexicon, free of censorship. We thus want a show which is free, just like the 60’s Italian singer and dancer Raffaella Carrà, free of the yoke of lacquer with her famous head banging.

Nina’s Drag Queens

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Biennale Teatro