fbpx Biennale Teatro 2024 | Biennale College Teatro / Rosalinda Conti - Così erano le cose appena nata la luce
La Biennale di Venezia

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Biennale College Teatro / Rosalinda Conti - Così erano le cose appena nata la luce

Year/Length:2024, 90'
Text:Rosalinda Conti, winner of Biennale College Teatro – Playwriting Under 40 (2023-2024)
Direction:Martina Badiluzzi
With:Barbara Chichiarelli, Loris De Luna, Michele Eburnea, Alessandro Riceci
Live music:Daniele Gherrino
Assistant director:Giorgia Buttarazzi
Production:La Biennale di Venezia


There are four characters in this story – four letters, four voices, four brothers or four sisters. They don’t have names either we or they can use: they’re each named after a letter of the alphabet, and when put together they make up short random words. M O T H are the entirety of humankind, but also four individual people; the whole but also the part; at once the general picture and the tiniest microscopic detail; an organism that moves in unison but sometimes briefly breaks apart. They’re four individuals watching the end that is the subject of this story – the end of human- kind, which doesn’t coincide with the end of planet Earth – quite the contrary.

This story is my own personal fantasy about the – very real – process of extinction we are currently immersed in. This fantasy consists entirely of the way in which this extinction plays out: in other words, the way in which living beings cease to exist, through a process of biological regression. No one in this story actually ceases to exist, nobody dies, and no one disappears into thin air – though it may seem that way at first. Instead, everything rewinds and takes on a simpler form, death is nothing but the death of our human shape.

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Biennale Teatro